Printable Colorful multiplication Chart no.2 (1-12) - Free

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Print for free our Multiplication Chart 12x12

Here is the version no.2 of the Printable Colorful Multiplication Chart (PDF) from the 1 time table up to the 12 times table, it's a Free resource. Thanks to its nice colors, memorization is easier. Here, a different color code is assigned to each table. You can use it as a reminder or to learn your times tables up to 12x12 multiplication.

The pretty colors in our Colorful multiplication Chart from 1 to 12 will surely please you too.

Click on the button below to print for Free the Colorful multiplication Chart no.2 (1-12) in Pdf format.

Print the
Colorful Chart
1-12 (PDF)

How to read this Chart ?

To find the result of a multiplication, simply look for the intersection between the horizontal line corresponding to the first multiplication number and the vertical line corresponding to the 2nd number. You can dragg your finger along the line to the intersection if that helps.
Find our illustrated & detailed explanation here: How to read a Multiplication table Chart ?

Multiplication Flash Cards - RiverTimes
Author: Emmanuelle ROUGER   /   Published by Memozor
Last modified on March 14, 2024  /   Read 835 times