Multiplication shooting game at Balloons - Online & free

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Play and Learn your Times Tables

You can see your more common mistakes (You will find the list at the bottom of the game).
Reward: RewardXP: 0

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Your most common mistakes :

You will find here the list of your most common mistakes

Rules of the Multiplication shooting Game at Balloons

Start by choosing the times table you want to learn. When the game starts, the multiplication will appear. Watch the balloons fly up in sky and pop the balloon with the good result before it disappears into the clouds.
Example: If the multiplication displayed is 6x5, you must click on the balloon with the number 30!
If your answer is correct, the next multiplication is displayed, otherwise, the game tells you that you made a mistake and displays the correct result so that you can memorize it for the next time.

Earn XP points and Reward Games!

When you give all the right answers for one of the Times tables, you earn XP! Collect XP to get your reward. When you have enough XP, the teacher rewards you with surprise games because you earned it!

Here are the reward games included in this Balloon Shooting Multiplication game:

  • Shooting Game: Pop as many balloons as possible but don't shoot the balloon bombs.
  • Online coloring game: Color a cute unicorn using the color palette.
  • Matching game: Find the pairs of identical unicorns.
  • Simon game: In a festive atmosphere, balloons light up in turn, reproduce the longest series possible using your memory.

Features of the Balloon Shooting Game

  • This Game is compatible with your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • Choose the times table you want to learn thanks to the buttons below the game. This game allows you to learn your multiplication tables from the 2 Times table up to the 12 Times table. As you may have noticed, you don't need to learn the 1 Time and the 10 Times tables because these ones are very easy!
  • The progress bar (above the game) shows you how far along you are, i.e. how many more multiplications you have to solve before you reach the end of the table.
  • Look at the multiplication displayed at the top of the game.
  • Click on the right balloon among those flying in the clouds.
  • If your answer appears under a red background: You're wrong, the correct answer is immediately displayed. A red circle appears in the progress bar.
  • If your answer is correct: Well done! You will hear the sound of the balloon bursting. A green circle appears in the progress bar.
  • If the sound disturbs you (or those around you) you can mute it with the button at the top right of the game.
  • You can change the speed of the balloons with the buttons below the game.
  • You can choose between 2 game modes: RANDOM or INCREASING. The increasing game mode is easier because the multiplications are displayed in order, while the random game mode will be more efficient for memorizing your tables.
  • If you don't want to see the tricks that the teacher gives you at the beginning of each table, you can hide them thanks to the button "OFF" below the game.

Our advice to learn your Times tables with this multiplication game

  • 1- Focus on only one table at a time: Choose the lowest table you are having trouble with. For example, if you know your tables perfectly (without hesitation) up to the 4 Times, start with the 5 Times. But if you still have some hesitation with the 4 Times table, start with 4 times table.

  • 2- A 10 minutes practice per day is enough: Practice on the same table a little bit every day for 3 or 4 days. This is enough to memorize that times table! Don't forget to do a 5 minute revision a week later to memorize this table for a long time.

  • 3- Increasing Mode and Random Mode: When you are not familiar with a table, we recommend that you start with the increasing mode, it will be easier. Then, when you feel more comfortable, you can switch to random mode.

  • 4- Tips from the virtual teacher: Don't hesitate to look at the teacher's tips, they will save you a lot of time!

  • 5- Take a look at your most common mistakes: They are displayed below the game (at the bottom).

Multiplication Flash Cards - RiverTimes
Author: Emmanuelle ROUGER   /   Published by Memozor
Last modified on January 26, 2023  /   Read 951 times